Take it Home | Family Series: 03.09.25
Book recommendations on parenting:
Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
Parenting by Paul Tripp
A Neglected Grace by Jason Helopoulos
Family Worship by Donald Whitney
Take it Home | Family Series: 02.23.25
Take it Home | 02.02.25
Take it Home | 01.26.25
Take it Home | 01.19.25
Take it Home | 01.12.25
Take it Home | 01.05.25
Take it Home | 12.29.24
Take it Home | 12.22.24
Take it Home | 12.08.24
Take it Home | 12.01.24
Take it Home | 12.01.24
Take it Home | 11.17.24
Take it Home | 11.10.24
Take it Home | 11.03.24
Take it Home | 10.27.24
Take it Home | 10.20.24
Take it Home | 10.13.24
Take it Home | 10.06.24
Take it Home | 09.29.24
Take it Home | 09.22.24
Take it Home | 09.15.24
Take it Home | 09.08.24
Take it Home | 09.01.24
Take it Home | 08.25.24
Take it Home | 08.18.24
Take it Home | 08.11.24
Take it Home | 08.04.24
Take it Home | 07.28.24
Take it Home | 07.21.24
Take it Home | 07.14.24
Take it Home | 07.07.24
1. Read John 16:33. How does this verse relate to the theological themes in Isaiah 31? How should the reality that Jesus has overcome the world shape the way we face trials and persecutions? How does this verse help us see the foolishness of looking to false saviors for security?
2. What does Isaiah 31:6-7 teach us about the call and message of the gospel?
3. In what way should the news that God will swiftly execute justice bring us comfort as his people? How does this relate to (and not contradict!) the call to love our enemies?
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Take it Home | 06.16.24
Take it Home | 06.09.24
Take it Home | 06.02.24
Take it Home | 05.26.24
Take it Home | 05.19.24
Take it Home | 05.12.24
Take it Home | 05.05.24
Take it Home | 04.28.24
Take it Home | 04.21.24
Take it Home | 04.14.24
Take it Home | 04.07.24
Take it Home | 03.31.24
Take it Home | 03.24.24
Take it Home | 03.17.24
Take it Home | 03.10.24
Take it Home | 03.03.24
- The well-known first answer of the Westminster Shorter Catechism states, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.” How should this reality shape our parenting?
- What does our parenting tend to look like when we forget that we — just like our children — are sinners who are in desperate need of God’s grace? Do you struggle with confessing your sins to your kids and asking them to forgive you? Pray for humility in this area.
- What are some of the different ways in which we can point our children to the gospel and their need for Jesus?
- Discipleship involves both teaching all that Jesus has commanded and modeling to others what it looks like to follow Jesus. How should this shape the way we parent our children?
- Take some time to read and reflect on Psalm 78:1-8. What does this text teach us about discipling our children?
Book recommendations on parenting:
Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
Parenting by Paul Tripp
A Neglected Grace by Jason Helopoulos
Family Worship by Donald Whitney
Take it Home | Family Series: 02.23.25
- Who originated the marriage institution? How do we know that marriage is a covenant? What are the purposes of marriage? Read: Gen. 1:28; 2:18; Eph. 5:22-32
- In what ways is marriage good? (Gen. 2:18; Heb. 13:4)
- What does leaving father and mother involve? What do the words “shall cleave” suggest? What do the words “they shall be one flesh” signify?
- List some of the things that married people must do to promote “oneness”? What are some of the barriers to “oneness”?
- What is a family? What are the goals of godly parenting?
Take it Home | 02.02.25
- Read through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20.
- Read: Acts 15:38-39; 19:29; 20:4; 27:2 Philemon; 2 Tim. 4:11
- Notice Paul’s descriptions of his friends focus on their hard work and service for the gospel. How can we encourage one another to persevere in our service of the Lord, his people, and those who do not yet know him?
- How does the prayer of Epaphras (v. 12) sum up the big message of Colossians? How would you summarize this letter’s message? Write a paragraph that captures its themes. Then try to do it in one sentence.
Take it Home | 01.26.25
- Read through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20.
- Read: Matthew 25:13; Matthew 26:41; 1 Corinthians 16:22
- What do you think “watchful” means (v. 2)? What might this look like in practice in your prayer life?
- Despite the costs involved, why can we be confident when we share the gospel with others?
- Do you have the kind of friendships and relationships that mean you are able to have conversations about the gospel? How will you “make the most of every opportunity”?
Take it Home | 01.19.25
- Read through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20.
- The advice to husbands and wives in particular feels very countercultural, but, as we have seen, it was just as radical in the first century. How would you explain to an astonished outsider why this is such good news for men and women?
- Paul speaks of parents and children: Think of bad examples & good examples you’ve witnessed. Think of examples from your own life in parenting. How would things be different if you live by God’s wisdom delivered here? What consequences do you see for those who disobey this passage?
- Identify one personal relationship you are struggling with at the moment. What command from these verses (Consider all of Colossians Chapter 3) do you most need to hear and work through right now? How does the centrality of Jesus to all our relationships change everything?
Take it Home | 01.12.25
- Start reading through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20.
- What are the three ingredients for a healthy Christian life (v.15, 16, 17)? How do you match up to these criteria? What about the church?
- How do you think about singing? How does the insight in this passage-about singing being a big (if not major) part of the way we are taught and admonished- help you think differently about music in the church?
- Do you find any repetition in this section of Scripture (words or themes)?
Take it Home | 01.05.25
- Read through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20.
- Endure, forgive, love… Which of these do people find the hardest to do in fellowship?
- Why is it so corrosive to a church’s life and witness when these things are not practiced?
- How does identity motivate and power our obedience. How does it move us when things get hard in loving and serving others?
- Look through the Bible and find references where God/Jesus is referred to as compassionate, kind, humble, gentle, and patient.
Take it Home | 12.29.24
- Read Proverbs 18:21; 15:28; James 3:2. Make three observations from each text.
- What would your spouse/ friend/ family member say of your communication? Would they mark it as a strength or a weakness? As you take inventory of your communication in what areas are you prone to slip into sin? (Do you tend to blow up or clam up?)
- Why is the put on/ put off principle so important in Christian growth?
Take it Home | 12.22.24
- In what ways has God shown you favor?
- In what ways do you need his favor today?
- What difference will it make to your life today that Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection really happened?
- In this upcoming year what plans are you making to set your mind on Jesus and walk out your life in light of Christ return?
Take it Home | 12.08.24
- When you live your life in alignment with Jesus’ preeminence how will this protect, lead, and shape your steps?
- How will you focus on Jesus’ preeminence this advent season? How will you encourage or lead your family/ friends to see Jesus properly?
- In this upcoming year what plans are you making to set your mind on Jesus and walk out your life in light of Christ return?
Take it Home | 12.01.24
- Take some time to reflect and meditate on the good news of Christ's first advent.
- What specific blessings did Christ secure for us during his first advent according to 1 John 2:5-10 and Hebrews 2:14-18?
- According to the author of Hebrews, how did Jesus deal a mortal wound to both death and the devil? What does his victory mean for us as his people?
- Jesus entered into this world to serve, to save, and to conquer. How should these gospel realities change how we live on a daily basis?
Take it Home | 12.01.24
- The painful pregnancy of the woman in Rev. 12 serves as a picture of the covenant community’s waiting and longing for God to fulfill his promises. A survey of Scripture reveals that “waiting” is a key part of life for the people of God. What does it look like for us today to obey the call to “wait on the LORD” (see Ps. 27:14 & Isa. 40:31)?
- Take some time to read through the rest of Revelation 12. How do the people of God overcome the dragon? How does this text serve as a source of encouragement amidst persecution?
- In what way does Jesus’ ascension serve as a declaration of his victory over sin, death, and the devil?
- What does wilderness imagery teach us about the Christian life? How does Psalm 107:1-9 shed light on the picture given in Revelation 12:6?
- Start reading through Colossians weekly.
- Which of the sins outlined in verses 5-9 are issues for you? Which of the virtues require most effort?
- Review the following texts (Phil. 1:6, 2:12; Eph. 2:8-9; 1 Pet. 2:1-25; Hebrews 10:26-31; Ps. 97:10). Make 10 observations from these Bible passages.
- How does the “Day of the Lord” motivate you?
Take it Home | 11.17.24
- Start reading through Colossians weekly.
- What has already happened to believers, and what will happen in the future, according to Paul in these verses
- “Set your mind on things above.” What do you think this actually looks like in practice?
- What obstacles are there to practicing this “heavenly mindfulness” in your daily life? See Colossians 1:9-10.
Take it Home | 11.10.24
- Start reading through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20.
- What would you say to someone who is caught up in false ideas of how to relate to God (legalism, mysticism, asceticism)?
- Read Matthew 5:17-19. How did Jesus understand His relationship to the law?
- What is so attractive about rule-keeping? Why do you think it is so ingrained in us? What truth about how God relates to us has helped you resist the pull of legalism?
Take it Home | 11.03.24
- Start reading through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20.
- “It is arrogant to believe that we are fully accepted and forgiven”. How would you answer from this passage someone who said this to you?
- What kinds of things have you witnessed people attempting to “add” to faith in Christ to give them more assurance? How would/ do you speak truth to them in this situation?
- What enemies are destroyed by Jesus’ death on the cross (vv. 13-15)? How has this been achieved?
Take it Home | 10.27.24
- Read through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20
- What is Paul’s advice to the Colossians in verses 6-7? Can you sum it up in your own words? How would you explain to a young Christian how hey should go about being rooted and built up in Jesus?
- Would you describe yourself as “overflowing with thankfulness”? What is preventing you? How can you develop your sense of gratitude in all things?
- What human philosophies and traditions do you think you are particularly vulnerable to believing? How do they tempt us into thinking Jesus is not enough?
Take it Home | 10.20.24
- Read through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20
- Who and what do you pray for? How can you encourage yourself to pray for missions and believers around the world who may be going through difficulties?
- What kind of things threaten to tear unity apart? How can they be combatted, both in your church and in your heart?
- Heresy is dangerous. How do you fight for and protect doctrinal purity in your life and in the life of your church?
Take it Home | 10.13.24
- Read through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20.Read about Paul’s Trials: (Acts 9:6; 14:19-23; 2 Cor. 6:10; 11:16-33; Phil. 1:18-19; Romans 5:3; 2 Tim. 1:12; 3:11; 1 Thess. 1:6)
- What enabled Paul to persevere and even rejoice in his suffering? Why do we find it difficult to feel the same?
- How might this passage influence your view and posture in evangelism?
- “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” What excites you about this summary of the gospel message and how we benefit from it?
Take it Home | 10.06.24
- Read through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20.
- Could you explain in a way that a non-believer could understand the reasons why Jesus had to become a living, breathing human being in order to save us?
- How does Jesus’ death on the cross make peace? What do people still find offensive about that claim?
- How would you define reconciliation? How does God accomplish this in Christ? Read: Romans 5:10; 2 Cor. 5:18-21
- Read: 1 John 2:19; 1 Cor. 11:18-19. How are these verses tied to Colossians 1:23?
Take it Home | 09.29.24
- Start reading through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20.
- As a follower of Christ how does this “hymn” move you to worship your great God and Savior? What elements of it stick out to you?
- Why would people find the statements in this passage so outrageous? What might you say in response to someone who thought these claims ridiculous?
- Jesus is the image of the invisible God: how would you explain to someone what Christians believe about Jesus and his deity?
- Jesus is the sustainer: how should this knowledge change the way we view both Jesus and the universe we live in?
Take it Home | 09.22.24
- Start reading through Colossians weekly.
- Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20
- Think of someone you consider to be truly wise. What is it about them, their understanding and way of thinking that you value? How could you grow more like them?
- How is intercessory prayer an act of love?
- When was the last time you thanked God for the faith, love and hope of your friends and family? Or prayed for those things to grow?
- It’s one thing to be grateful. It’s another to give thanks. (Feeling/ Doing). How can you improve the way you express your gratitude in thanksgiving?
Take it Home | 09.15.24
- Start reading through Colossians weekly.
- Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20
- What is the most important background/ context issue to keep in mind as you read this letter?
- Faith, hope, and love make up a familiar triad in Paul’s writings. Read 1 Cor. 13:13; 1 Thes. 1:3). What is this phrase driving home in this opening prayer of thanksgiving?
- What does the thanksgiving prayer of 1:3-8 highlight?
- How is Paul building and strengthening the believers at Colossae? What does he say of the believers and the gospel they received?
Take it Home | 09.08.24
- Start reading through Colossians weekly. Memorization Challenge: Colossians 1:15-20
- Faith, hope and love: In what ways can our hope for heaven motivate both our love and our faith now (v 5)? Which of these three areas of Christian believing and living do you think you are weakest on? Why might that be?
- Think about your own conversion to Christ. How do you usually describe it? How might you describe it differently in the way that Paul does in verses 6-8?
- Why is genuine faith never just believing things that are true—that is, intellectual assent? What else is required to make it real?
Take it Home | 09.01.24
- Big Picture Review: What are some of the key themes we've encountered throughout Isa. 1-39? How has God worked through these theological themes to encourage and convict you?
- What does this passage teach us about the sinister nature of pride?
- How are pride and idolatry connected?
- How does the somber note of Isa. 39 set the stage for ch. 40-66?
- In what ways has pride blinded you throughout your life? How did God work to help you see your sin?
Take it Home | 08.25.24
- How might it altar what you pray if you make God’s glory and reputation central to your prayers?
- What feels familiar or relatable in the way Hezekiah talks about his illness and recovery? Does anything surprise you?
- In what area of life do you most need faith like Hezekiah’s at the moment?
Take it Home | 08.18.24
- God is the Creator, not the creation. This means that God is sovereign and in control, while at the same time he is close and personal. How do these truths bring you comfort?
- What areas of your life fight against the reality that God controls all of life?
- How does God’s sovereignty offer you courage and strength as you strive to walk in obedience?
- Read Job 12:10, 23; Deuteronomy 4:7, 32:8; Jeremiah 23:23,24. How do these passages prove that our God is near to us and never far away when we call upon Him?
Take it Home | 08.11.24
- Have you ever faced ridicule or attack for your faith like that in the speech in Isaiah 36? Looking back, to what degree do you think God’s reputation and name was the main issue for your attacker? What about for you?
- How do you address God when you pray? What difference would it make to pray more like Hezekiah?
- How else can you keep reminding yourself of what God is like?
- How might it alter what you pray if you make God’s glory and reputation central to your prayers?
Take it Home | 08.04.24
- What is the “feel” of chapter 35? How is it different than the surrounding chapters?
- How does this text prepare us for and point us to Jesus?
- Read 1 Peter 1:1-2 and 2 Corinthians 5:1-9. How are they connected to this text?
- How does this text motivate your towards faithfulness and obedience?
Take it Home | 07.28.24
- Why does talk of judgment create such a reaction in people? What feelings does it create?
- What areas does judgment touch in verses 1-6?
- Read: Genesis 25:19-34 & Isaiah 34:5-15.
- Why Edom? Who are they? What did they do to draw God’s rage?
Take it Home | 07.21.24
- What is the background to this text?
- Read Isaiah 30:18. What does this tell us about God?
- What does 33:7-12 tell us about human wisdom?
- What does it teach us about the consequences of human pride?
- How does this text point us to Jesus? Focus on verses 23-24.
Take it Home | 07.14.24
- How is Isaiah chapter 32 fulfilled in Jesus?
- What are some of the characteristics of the King’s rule pictured in this chapter?
- What kind of transformation will the King bring in verses 3-What point is driven home in the poem of verses 6-8.
- Isaiah points us to the coming King, the new society, and the blessings He brings as he pours out His Spirit. What blessings do we find in verses 15 - 20.
Take it Home | 07.07.24
1. Read John 16:33. How does this verse relate to the theological themes in Isaiah 31? How should the reality that Jesus has overcome the world shape the way we face trials and persecutions? How does this verse help us see the foolishness of looking to false saviors for security?
2. What does Isaiah 31:6-7 teach us about the call and message of the gospel?
3. In what way should the news that God will swiftly execute justice bring us comfort as his people? How does this relate to (and not contradict!) the call to love our enemies?
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Take it Home | 06.16.24
- Why are spiritual disciplines so important? And what are the dangers in neglecting them?
- What are the three primary areas are offerings go according to the Scriptures?
- Read: Acts 2:44-45; 1 John 3:17; Galatians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 5:17-18; Luke 12:33-34; 1 Cor. 9:6-14; Ephesians 4:28; James 1:27; Philippians 4:15-18
- How is giving to God an act of worship?
Take it Home | 06.09.24
- How is spiritual blindness a deliberate decision? How is it a form of divine judgment? How is the absolute control of God in the world highlighted in this text?
- From this passage alone what evidence do you see of hard-heartedness? Spiritual blindness?
- What does this text teach us about God? What does it teach us about humanity?
- What does Lebanon represent in this passage?
- What does God’s work bring about? Read Isaiah 29:17-24. Do you see an enjoinment thread? Does this text touch on spirituality? What does it talk about socially? Are the covenant people of God highlighted?
Take it Home | 06.02.24
- How is spiritual blindness a deliberate decision? How is it a form of divine judgment?
- From this passage alone what evidence do you see of hard-heartedness? Spiritual blindness?
- Reread Isaiah 29:15-16. What are the dangers of being absorbed with human wisdom?
- What does Lebanon represent in this passage?
- What does God’s work bring about? Read Isaiah 29:17-24.
Take it Home | 05.26.24
- Read: Psalm 1:1; Proverbs 1:22; 13:1; 14:9; 21:24. What do we learn about the “scoffer” from these texts?
- What are some of the dangers of taking refuge in a lie?
- Why is God’s work sometimes “tender” and sometimes “painful”?
Take it Home | 05.19.24
- When have you experienced God working in your life in a strange or unexpected way?
- What are some examples of taking refuge in a lie?
- What would you say to someone who seems to be shutting their ears to God- either a believer or an unbeliever?
- What are you tempted to rely on other than God?
Take it Home | 05.12.24
- Read the OT and NT Scripture readings. How can Jesus say he is the true vine? How can we be a fruitful vine? Now read Mark 11:12-25 and 12:1-12. What do these texts teach you about God’s beloved vineyard?
- Notice the nations in verses 4-6. They are no longer invading God’s vineyard but invited in for peace and protection. Now read Genesis 12:2-3 (the promises to Abraham). Any connection?
- Read the “trumpet passages” of the Bible. (Lev. 25:8; Exodus 19:13; 1 Thess. 4:16). What connection do they all have? (Hint: Freedom, worship, salvation, Jesus as key)
- What does Leviathan represent in this passage. What does Leviathan represent in Psalm 74:14 & Job 3:8? What about Job 41:1 and Psalm 104:26?
- How does this text glorify and exalt our Triune God? How does it point you to Jesus?
Take it Home | 05.05.24
- How has Isaiah’s attitude changed from chapter 24 to chapter 25? Specifically in praise (24:16 & 25:1). What does chapter 26 lay down as the posture for a follower of God?
- Make five observations from Isaiah 26:1-6. Is the proud city still a theme? What does this lofty city represent?
- Resurrection is a theme in chapter 26. Read the following passages this week. (Mark 16:1-8; John 11:21-27; 1 Cor. 15:12-23; Rom. 8:11; John 20:11-18; Acts 17:30-31; 1 Cor. 15:3-7; 1 Peter 1:3-9; Matt. 28:1-10; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; John 5:25-29; Romans 14:8-9; Luke 24:13-49; 1 Cor. 15:50-58)
- What do you see in chapter 26 that moves you to praise God? How does this text point you to Jesus?
Take it Home | 04.28.24
- How has Isaiah’s attitude changed from chapter 24 to chapter 25? Specifically in praise (24:16 & 25:1).
- Make five observations from Isaiah 25:1-5. Is the proud city still a theme? What does this lofty city represent?
- In Isaiah 25:6-8 a celebration banquet is in view. What does this banquet represent? Who is the host of this banquet? Who is it for? Read: Luke 14:15-24; 2 Timothy 1:10; 1 Corinthians 15:25-26, 51-57; Revelation 21:4)
- What do you see in verses 9-12? Who is praising God in this section? Draw two applications for life from this section.
Take it Home | 04.21.24
- What observations can you make about the first six verses of chapter 24? What point is being driven home?
- What pictures are used in verses 7-12 to highlight God’s judgment?
- What do we make of the section that focuses on worship and God’s glory (vv.13-16)? What is Isaiah’s attitude? Why?
- Divine action is the focus of verses 17-22. What observations do you see in this section? What would you say is the focus of this section?
- The glory of God is often defined as, the infinite beauty and greatness of God’s manifold perfections. The grandeur of his many perfections on display in creation and in redemption. It is also defined as the praise and honor showered upon his name. How is God’s glory put on display in this chapter?
Take it Home | 04.14.24
- Considering Chapters 13-23, in what ways has God given Judah every reason to trust him? What evidence would you give for chapter 23?
- How can wealth breed an attitude of self-sufficiency?
- Is wealth or pride the ultimate offence in this text?
- How is God’s great power put on display in this chapter? How does this bring you comfort?
Take it Home | 04.07.24
- Considering Chapters 13-23, in what ways has God given Judah every reason to trust him? In chapter 22 contrast Judah’s actions with Isaiah’s.
- Why self-sufficiency such a dangerous sin? How is it a salvation by works?
- In what ways is the slogan “Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die” a broken worldview perspective?
- Review: Define the Day of the Lord. How does this day create in you both hope and a push for faithful obedience?
Take it Home | 03.31.24
- What are the three interlacing themes of 1 John? What is John’s primary purpose in this letter? Read 1 John 5:13.
- How would you address a person who says there is no such thing as sin? Or a person that tries to downplay it as not that bad?
- How does Jesus’ work on the cross give you strength and assurance in light of your sin? What does it mean for Jesus to be our advocate? What does propitiation mean?
- How has the resurrection change your life? By faith have you embraced the risen Savior as your only hope for salvation and a right standing with God? Has the resurrection radically shaped your life? Does its truth continue to mold every facet of it? Does His love and patience move you?
- Does the resurrection give you hope and strength in this world right here… right now?
Take it Home | 03.24.24
- Where do people try and find their security? How are catastrophes a wakeup call?
- Read James 4:4 & 2 Corinthians 6:14-15. How should these verses shape us? How do you keep yourself on course? Loving God and fighting against the world the flesh and the devil?
- What does this block (Isaiah 13-23) teach us about history? About God’s sovereignty? About His judgments? About his love and pursuit of His people? About trust? About tribulations and trials?
Take it Home | 03.17.24
- Where do people try and find their security? How are catastrophes a wakeup call?
- We are not little Isaiah's. We are not prophets of God. But, we are called to share God’s word with people around us. Why is it so difficult to bring God’s Word effectively to a spiritually blind and insensitive generation? How do you move forward considering all this?
- Read 1 Corinthians 4:9-10 & 2 Corinthians 12:15. What do these verses help us see about faithful evangelism?
- How does 1 John 2:15-17 shape us as followers of Christ?
Take it Home | 03.10.24
- Make 5 observations about God’s judgement from the text. What do you see concerning religious collapse, economic collapse, and political collapse?
- What warnings do we find in this text concerning false saviors? What false saviors do people put their trust in today?
- How many times is the phrase, “In that day” used? What connection does it have with Isaiah 2:2-4. What connections does this text have with the Abrahamic covenant (Gen 12)?
- How does this text point us to Jesus? Both the judgment and the salvation elements?
Take it Home | 03.03.24
- What does Isa. 17-18 teach us about the connection between pride and idolatry?
- What are some of the idols that you look to for help, hope, and security? How do you plan to put these idols to death by the Spirit?
- Read through Ps. 121. What does this text teach about who God is? How does this psalm relate to Isa. 17:7-8?
- What does it look like to actively look to God for help, hope, and security in our lives as his people?